Intervention Pathways

Intervention Pathways


Our Pathways

At Connex Tutors, we offer two pathways for pupils. Academic Tutors focus on curriculum delivery and target attainment, and pupil support mentors provide holistic pastoral support to pupils where their primary need is not academic attainment.

Woman on laptop screen smiling and waving

Academic Tutors


Our academic tuition programme is delivered by experienced tutors who map session delivery to the relevant curriculum. Using appropriate teaching and learning methods, tutors work with pupils to address gaps in learning and accelerate progress. Academic tutors deliver both one to one and small group curriculum-based tuition in schools, EOTAS locations and in specialist locations including the home. Academic tutors can deliver online. 

*Please note that we do not provide private tuition through family referrals.

Woman doing art with a young man with downs syndrome

Connex Tutors have delivered tuition to over 200,000 pupils across the last four years including over 1,200 pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. Our flexible programmes can be tailored to suit the needs of pupils from a range of educational establishments and our nationwide network ensures we have an experienced talent pool of over 28,000 candidates each year. To find out more about how we can support the pupils that you work with, get in touch via the contact us form below.

Our academic programme offers


Job ready training completed by the tutor in advance of the programme

QTS and Non-QTS options

Age-appropriate baseline assessment to identify gaps in understanding

End point assessment to measure impact

A secure portal to share updates and monitor progress.

Tuition sessions which are mapped to our 22 Standards of Tutoring Excellence


Pupil Support Mentors

Our Pupil Support Mentor programme is suitable for pupils who require holistic support with areas such as SEMH, wellbeing, disengagement, re-integration or ‘soft skills’ such as self-esteem, confidence and resilience. Our specialist mentors can deliver bespoke sessions to pupils in schools, EOTAS locations including alternative provisions and specialist establishments.

Whilst every pupil has unique needs and challenges, common themes our mentors target include:  

Our mentoring programme offers


A mentor with relevant pastoral experience

A secure portal to share updates and monitor progress

Job Ready Training completed by the mentor in advance of the programme

A holistic approach to sessions led by the needs of the pupil

Optional emotional, behavioural and learning aptitude baseline and endpoint assessments

A focus on building
positive relationships


Personalised Programmes

In cases where the needs of a pupil require both academic and pastoral intervention, our consultants can develop personalised packages using tutors and mentors with experience in both areas. Get in touch to find out more.  

Woman smiling reading a book to a little girl

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