CPD Training for Tutors

Professional Development & Training

We care about the professional development of our education teachers and tutors which is why we offer free, certified, continuous professional development (CPD) training.

We do this through our sister company, Connex Education Academy. Our free CPD includes a wide library of courses including safeguarding and compliance, teaching and learning, and SEND.

All courses are available in bite-size chunks, on-demand, accessible at your pace. Feedback from our education professionals is that they find out continued professional development to be incredibly valuable to their onboarding, and ongoing development.

Accredited courses,
unlimited access

We have a growing library of short eLearning course and formally accredited qualifications. We design learning experiences that are centred around our pupils and their busy schedules. There is nothing wrong with classroom training, but we know it can be hard to schedule time to attend, especially with work and other commitments. Take the stress out of learning and progress at your own time, around your own life commitments. We’ve had thousands of pupils expand their knowledge of a wide range of topics. You can do the same.

Register as a tutor

If you want to join our tutoring collective, then you first need to register with us. Complete our online form, and one of our team will be in touch to complete your registration.

Explore our training

If you'd like to find out more about our CPD training, click the link below to visit the tutor training resources on the Connex Education Academy platform. Once you're registered as a tutor with us, you'll have unlimited access to these resources.

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