Professional Tutors

Quality Assured Tutors

We have been supporting pupils with high quality tuition since 2013. In that time we have developed a robust quality assurance programme to ensure high quality interventions for pupils and their schools.  We are also the largest approved tuition partner to the National Tutoring Programme, delivering subsidised interventions to over 60,000 pupils each academic year.

Who are our Tutors?

Our tutors are dedicated teachers, tutors, teaching assistants, and instructors that have been trained in delivering 1-2-1 and small group interventions. To ensure the highest quality of provision, each of our tutors receives the following:

This process of continual development is managed by our specialist Tutoring Quality Assurance team.  To find out more about our standards in Tutoring Excellence – click here.

We have a proven quality assurance methodology for delivering impactful interventions and can deliver our own baseline (and end point) assessments for pupil specific outcomes or we can adopt our client school’s required learning outcomes.

When partnering with Connex for professional tutoring,
schools have two options for ensuring effective learning outcomes

Connex's baseline and endpoint assessment

School's baseline and endpoint assessment

Contact us today to discuss how we can work with you to unlock the full potential of every pupil in your school.

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