Tutor Case Studies
Find out what our Tutors have to say
Excellence doesn’t happen by chance. We know that behind every successful tuition and mentoring session lies meticulous planning, charismatic delivery, effective self-reflection, and a lot of hard work! This page showcases our dedicated tutors and mentors, giving them the opportunity to share what inspired them to pursue tutoring and why they chose Connex Education.

“Suits me perfectly because of its flexible schedule”
My name is Ravi, and I currently teach students at the Primary and GCSE levels. I became an online tutor after leaving my teaching job. Tutoring allows me to continue my passion for teaching …

“Their standards are high which attracted me in the first place”
My name is Lilian . I am an English tutor. I started with Connex Tuition as an NTP tutor. Like many teachers after the pandemic, I thought I could use my skills to help bridge the gaps…

“It’s the perfect work life balance working for Connex”
I’m Sam and I am a qualified teacher in KS2/3. I have taught children from nursery through to Y11 over 24 years. From being very young, I always wanted to be a teacher…
Why do our tutors love working with us?
At Connex Education, our tutors are passionate about making a difference in students’ lives. In this video, some of our dedicated tutors share their experiences, discussing why they chose to tutor through Connex Education and what makes it such a rewarding journey. Hear first-hand how our supportive community, flexible opportunities, and commitment to quality education help them thrive in their roles.

Become a Certified Professional Tutor with Connex
Connex Education Partnership’s Professional Tutor and Mentor Quality Mark is designed to highlight those colleagues who demonstrate the highest standard of practice and show dedication to their pupils and schools.
We believe that every tutor and mentor can achieve this professional accolade. Through unlimited access to our range of inspirational courses with Connex Education Academy and the support of the quality assurance and impact team, we look forward to welcoming you into this prestigious group.