Our 360° approach to safeguarding

Child Safety Week

We are absolutely committed to delivering a 360° approach to safeguarding. We take this very, VERY seriously, so in light of Child Safety Week, we wanted to remind you of everything we’re doing to assure your child’s safety, and how we can help.

There is a growing expectation from the government that the onus is on schools to educate children about online safety. The current Department for Education proposals under consultation says that all schools will be required to ensure that they teach their pupils about Safeguarding. And we have made sure we are in the loop with these expectations too – why? Because we care about this issue very deeply. Below are just a few actions we have put in to place to ensure that only the best and most trusted staff are entering our schools:

Our stringent Safeguarding and Vetting procedures

The first step in safeguarding is preventing those who may wish to harm or abuse them from entering the workforce. That is why every applicant to Connex is pre-screened by a trained and dedicated team before interviews as the first step of eight in our recruitment and selection process.

Our staff completed Safeguarding training – we mean EVERYONE and thats why we’re ensuring that you’re aware of Child Safety Week.

So that we can be sure that we’re offering the best service possible to protect children in school, not only do we insist our staff to complete their safeguarding training before we let them into any of our schools, we make sure each member of staff in our offices completes Safeguarding training, so they are fully aware of the issues at hand and ready to answer any questions you may have.

Our channel partners eCadets, are helping us to help schools

One issue in safeguarding we feel is very important is teaching children how to use the Internet appropriately. The information which can be found online today is unbelievable. In this fast-moving online world, e-safety is the most important new frontier in the crucial responsibility of safeguarding children. It’s also the most difficult to manage effectively…

Nicky Morgan said: “As a parent I’ve seen just what an important role the Internet plays in children’s education. But it can also bring risks, which is why we must do everything we can to help children stay safe online – at school and at home.”

And we just think that makes perfect sense. Many children have access to the Internet via smartphones and tablets, which is not overseen by parents or teachers…

This is why we’re working with our channel partners, eCadets, to offer schools an exciting scheme which empowers pupils to learn to keep themselves safe online. Designed and run by former police officers and education professionals, we think that eCadets is a brilliant way to equip children against threats to themselves and their friends. It is the Nominet Internet Awards Winner for 2014 for making the Internet a safer place.

Safeguarding children and young people is no joke, and we’re very serious about limiting any sort of threat, which is why we go to such great lengths. Each year we decline hundreds of potential candidates who fail to meet the high standards we set.

We are far more stringent than national legislation, but we feel it’s necessary to provide our schools with quality teachers they can trust – they love us for that.

And our teachers and in-office staff love the fact that we invest time in their career by equipping them with the right qualifications. If you’re looking for work, we can help you with your search, and we’ll do all the legwork for you.


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