Question Time: Recruitment Consultants

Question time with our recruitment consultants

We’re a friendly sort of company – people like that about us. As part of our continued dedication to develop strong relationships with our teachers and schools, we want to make sure you know exactly who you’re talking to, so here’s our next employee introduction and have answered our questions …

This time we’ve nabbed a double act in our Warrington and Cheshire branch – Danielle and Jade, two of our recruitment consultants have taken five minutes out of their awfully busy day to introduce themselves to you and answer some quick fire questions!

From charity competitions to our staff-do “It’s a Knockout, these two have gotten well and truly stuck in, and firmly cemented themselves in to the Connex family.

1. So girls, what does your role as a recruitment consultant entail?

Jade: My role typically consists of interviewing teachers and teaching assistants who wish to join Connex – we’re there to be supportive to teachers and guide them through process. A large part of this role includes keeping in touch with our candidates and checking in with them to see how they’re getting on, because we know they like having that extra support. We’re also here to be a helping hand to the DM’s when we need to be.

Danielle: Yeah, there’s a lot of preparation that goes in to our role – we always want to make sure our teachers are totally comfortable with us. I always make sure the kettle is boiling before I meet with someone – I think it makes them feel more comfortable having a cup of tea and a chat, rather than feeling like they’re being interviewed.

The main thing we need to know at this stage is that we want to understand their needs, for example, how far they’re willing to travel, if they’re looking for full or part-time work etc.

2. If you were an animal, what would you be?

Danielle: I’d be a Peacock! I love the feathers…or maybe a zebra because I love the film Racing Stripes!

Jade: I’d be a kitty-cat…they live the life of luxury.

3. Finish the sentence: When I dance, I look like…

Danielle: A fish out of water…I have no rhythm whatsoever!

Jade: Hah Danielle! I would look like Tina Turner – Proud Mary is my signature dance!

4. Why do you like working for Connex Education?

Danielle: I love working for Connex, there’s always a great atmosphere in the office, and everyone gets along really well.

Jade: Yeah, the people you work with here are great. Knowing I’ve got a job where I can help people helps too. As a company, Connex really listens to our ideas and opinions, and working in recruitment can be very rewarding. I always feel like
a valued member of the family here.

Danielle: There’s a lot of teamwork. I think I really enjoy meeting our candidates too – I’m always made up when they tell me they’ve settled in to a placement that’s right for them.

5. If you could splurge on one must-have item, what would it be?

Jade: A 5* holiday would be lovely right now!!

Danielle: A pair of glittery Louboutins that I’ve wanted for about 10 years but I never actually got round to saving for them and now they’re discontinued!

6. Do you have a picture from school you would like to share with us?

Here’s Jade (on the left), aged 5, posing for a school picture at Longbarn Primary School. Isn’t she a cutie pie!

Danielle’s never been camera shy – here she is at age 15 (right), at St Chads Catholic and Church of England high school in Runcorn. She’s given us her best reading pose in Spanish class here, and apparently she’d been told to get on with her work….

7. Why did you choose to work for Connex Education?

Danielle: I chose to work at Connex because they had an excellent reputation. They look after their staff, candidates and schools. I wanted to be a part of that.

Jade: As I’ve said before, Connex really listens to your ideas and opinions. It’s a great feeling to know your view will be appreciated – I always feel like a valued member of the family here, and I have a brilliant team to work with.

8. Quick-fire question! Marmite: Yes or No?

Jade: Bleurghhhh no!

Danielle: Definitely not!

9. Connex has held a number of internal competitions and events for its staff – which one has been your favourite so far?

Danielle: The staff day out and the awards evening later on was by far the best – I like it when team Warrington wins! Same again next year!

Jade: The Summer awards, definitely! It was such a fun day out competing in ‘It’s A Knockout’ type obstacles with everyone at work, and then at our awards evening, team Warrington took home the trophy! What a day!

10. What makes you stand out from the crowd?

Jade: I think it’s my sense of humour. I’m always trying to get people laughing. Failing that, the terrible Tina Turner dance moves always do the trick!

Danielle: Probably my big mouth! I like chatting to people and will literally speak to anyone…hah!

11. What’s the weirdest thing you ever heard in an interview?

Danielle: I once asked a lady what skills she had that were suited to the role…she sat on the floor cross legged and stood up without using her hands and said “taa daa”! Needless to say, I was very impressed!

Jade: I haven’t had many weird interviews, although I was interviewed once and the manager literally did fall off his chair laughing. It’s safe to say I didn’t get the job!

12. In your opinion, why is Connex Education the best choice for teachers?

Danielle: Connex is the best choice because of the dedicated service our consultants give to you. We’ll always look to place you in the right education setting for you – we’ll also give you free safeguarding training, regular contact, and we pay you PAYE!

Jade: We are always looking out for the best teachers and provide the best for them. We put them first and accommodate their needs. I personally would say that we work tirelessly to find the right school for candidates and work that will suit their needs.

13. What is the first thing you notice about a person? This may bode well for our eager teachers…

Jade: For me it’s their handshake. I always appreciate a firm handshake from an interview – it shows a good level of confidence.

Danielle: Attitude. If you are talking to a person with a positive attitude you are instantly drawn to them.

14. What is your favourite joke?

Danielle: I just wrote a song about a fajita, well it’s more of a wrap really.

Jade: Cowboy goes to the doctor and says: “I’m really not feeling too good Doc”, so the doctor asks: “How long have you been feeling like this?” The cowboy says: “About a Yeehaa!” – it’s terrible I know!!

15. If you were in the middle of an interview now, what question would you ask to make this person want to sign up with Connex?

Jade: You should join Connex for the one to one support. The commitment we have to ensuring your needs are met is so unique.

Danielle: I would tell whoever is in front of me that I recruit on behalf of Natasha and Sam, who are both excellent consultants who will do literally everything in the power to find the placement suitable for that person. We’ll do all the legwork to save you the hassle.

Thanks so much to Danielle and Jade for taking the time to sit down with us, catch up again soon! If our girls have got your brain ticking about the sort of education recruitment service you think you should work with, why not get in touch with us today and arrange to pop in for a chat?

Call us today on: 0845 266 0650 or contact your local branch.

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