Reasons You Should Consider Becoming A Tutor

Becoming a tutor has many different job benefits, such as personal flexibility to have a career which can make a significant difference in the lives of students across various age ranges and of different learning abilities.

As a private tutor, your job is to provide in-depth knowledge and expert advice on a subject area whilst engaging students to be interested in their own learning and development. Not only that but as a good tutor, you will be helping students prepare for exams, classroom assessments, and course work, as well as work closely together on class work the individual student may need extra support on and ensure that children are at the same level or higher as their classmates.

Here are our top 5 reasons you should consider becoming a tutor:

1. You get to be your own boss


More and more in our society, we are looking to establish a work-life balance, and one of the best things about becoming a tutor is that it is really flexible! 

You can schedule tutoring sessions that suit your timetable. Plus you can choose your own hours, and how many hours you work whether this is full or part-time.

Choose Where & When You Work!

In certain situations being a private tutor allows you to decide where you work, whether this is in a classroom in a school, online tutoring via video chat from a local library or even on a one-to-one basis in a student’s home.

Tutors may have a choice in their working environment. For instance, if you’re a tutor offering lessons to students in your neighbourhood, you might do so at your home, the student’s home, a nearby library, or another location. You might also conduct virtual tutoring sessions through web conferencing capabilities, expanding your possibilities for meeting places.

Where you work usually relies on what suits you and the customer the best. You might work as a tutor some days from home and some days from a library. Many people value having the chance to work in various locales.

Teach about subjects you are passionate about!

You can choose what topic you specialise in when you become a tutor. For example, if you are enthusiastic about history, you can teach that subject as your specialist subject area.

2. You Can Earn Extra Money

Supplement Your Income 

More and more in our society, we are looking to establish a work-life balance, and one of the best things about becoming a tutor is that it is really flexible! You can schedule tutoring sessions that suit your timetable. Plus you can choose your own hours, and how many hours you work whether this is full or part-time.

Set Your Own Rates

Creating your own rates per hour can be financially liberating, particularly in high-demand periods such as exam season you can be making a decent amount of extra income. Parents and students will pay the money for your teaching and expert advice during exam periods.

In terms of rates a tutor can change varies on teaching experience, location, subject and level of study (i.e. primary school level to university level), however, in the UK the average rate is between £20 – £40 an hour.

3. Develop your own tutoring skills and gain teaching experience

Tutoring is an amazing way to build up your own skills and gain experience! With the right skills and training, anyone can become a successful tutor. Developing your tutoring skills can give you the teaching experience and leadership abilities essential for any successful tutor.

Gaining tutoring experience is key to mastering your craft, and there are many ways in which you can do this:

    • You could take courses or attend workshops that focus on developing teaching strategies and techniques.

    • Volunteer in local schools to gain hands-on tutoring experience while developing existing and new skills, such as refining your leadership and communication skills with students.

    • Researching and reading up on different topics related to tutoring can be extremely beneficial when it comes to honing your skills.

    • Taking part in online discussions or forums where experienced tutors offer advice is also an excellent way of getting useful tips from those who have already gone through the process.

4. Meeting New People

When it comes to tutoring, it can be a rewarding experience not just for the students but for everyone involved. Tutors have the ability to meet new people from teachers and other tutors and connect with families in need of help. Parents appreciate having someone there to help their students understand the material they are learning in school. Plus it’s an opportunity to create meaningful relationships between tutor and student that last beyond the classroom.

Tutoring is a great way to give back while also making friends. From forming connections with parents who share stories about their child’s progress to hearing students express their appreciation after mastering difficult concepts; these moments are incredibly rewarding and make you want to come back for more!

Although tutoring is a continuous learning process that requires patience, dedication and hard work, it can be incredibly satisfying to witness your student’s success first-hand!

5. Teach Subjects You Are Passionate About

Are you passionate about a subject? Do you want to share that enthusiasm with others, while developing leadership skills and gaining experience? Tutoring allows individuals to teach subjects they are passionate about, enabling them to design effective lesson plans based on their own knowledge. This provides an opportunity for tutors to use their own creative approaches when creating lesson plans and educating students. It also offers the chance for tutors to develop their own confidence in their expertise and build valuable leadership skills.

Additionally, tutoring offers invaluable feedback from both the tutor’s and the student’s perspectives. Tutors can receive and provide feedback from their students on how well they’ve communicated information and ideas. Meanwhile, students benefit greatly from one-on-one conversations with experienced professionals who can help guide them through difficult concepts or clarify certain topics.

How do I become a full-time tutor?

Are you looking to make a career out of tutoring? Tutors are in high demand in the teaching field. Becoming a full-time tutor can be an incredibly rewarding and lucrative job, but it’s not always easy. Don’t worry though! With some preparation and training, you too can become a tutor full-time.

The first step is to create lesson plans that cover the subject material you plan on teaching. This will help ensure your students get the best education possible. Once your lessons are developed, there are plenty of options for getting started with tutoring—in-person or online! If you choose to work as an in-person tutor, start by reaching out to local schools or businesses that may be able to provide you with students.

Connex Academy has some fantastic online resources for tutors or those who want a career change to become a tutor:

Here are some online resources to help tutors progress in their tutoring careers and develop their communication and writing skills, but whether you are a tutor looking to plan lessons or a teacher looking to improve the student experience in the classroom Connex Academy has a course for you!

Tutoring Job Roles Available with Connex Education

Why not become a tutor today? For one of the most fulfilling and rewarding jobs, get started tutoring today with Connex Education! Have a talk with one of our friendly consultants today about our new tutoring and teaching jobs available now.

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