A third of the National Tutoring Programme’s budget unspent

From the very launch of NTP in November 2020, Connex Education embraced the DfE’s mission to build nationwide capacity in the delivery of high quality tuition to pupils irrespective of postcode. In certain education development areas across the UK the capacity for tuition delivery was limited at best with London and the South most heavily represented.

It hasn’t been easy to help schools navigate the annual pivot in managing partners, process or subsidy but we have persevered together and experienced some compelling results with 96% of schools reporting academic progress for pupils on the program. Additionally and perhaps more pleasingly we were delighted to see that 58% of pupils showed increased confidence and improved attitudes to learning, which creates an opportunity for additional catch up through classroom teaching. Not only have we seen the impact tuition has on pupil performance but the recent report from the education endowment foundation has found that students that undertake one-to-one tuition, on average, make 5 months additional progress.

Outside of London, Connex has delivered over 400,000 subsidised tuition hours, recruited, trained and deployed over 1,715 tutors across 1,000 schools. Continued engagement from our schools has been really encouraging with over half of them working with us for multiple years and 35% for all three years of the programme.  The programme is working in places where it is needed most but we are starting to see pupil numbers fall in line with subsidy reduction.  

Paul Broderick, CEO of Connex Education Partnership, commented on these findings by saying:

“The reported figures on subsidy take up are disappointing but I feel more a reflection on the complexity of the early iterations of the programme as well as pressure on school budgets to find the non-subsidised element rather than any interest in the role that tuition can play as a valued part of the modern education mix.  I’d urge the DfE to show greater commitment to NTP in year 4 and roll any unspent subsidy forward to 2023-24 academic year.”

Paul Broderick, CEO of Connex Education Partnership

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